Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure to rebuild the breast after a 乳房切除术. While a reconstructed breast will not look or feel exactly as it did before surgery, the goal is to create a breast that looks and feels as natural as possible.


  • 植入重建. 外科十大赌博平台排行榜首先放置一个组织扩张器(一个空的植入物,在几周内填充,为永久植入物创造空间)。. Later, in a separate procedure, the expander is replaced with a permanent implant. 的 permanent implant may be filled with either silicone gel or saline (salt water).
  • Autologous reconstruction (also called free tissue transfer or free flap). 外科十大赌博平台排行榜取出组织(皮肤), 脂肪, 从身体的另一个部位取出血管(有时是肌肉),用它来重建乳房.


Whether to have breast reconstruction is a personal choice. 你不需要马上做决定. Some reconstruction patients begin the process when they have their 乳房切除术, 而其他人等了几个月甚至几年.

如果你在考虑重建, 你可能会发现和其他病人谈谈他们的经历会很有帮助 同伴支持计划. 你也可以在网站上找到关于乳房重建的书籍、文章和病人的故事 加州大学旧金山分校患者和家庭癌症支持中心.